The Wanderful Way!

Take Back Your Time.

         Get Income in Return.  


WORK LESS, MAKE MORE + Finally Get The 'Freedom' You Deserve. 

Let's Do It!

Are you tired of feeling  ... 

👉 STUCK in a job that doesn't fulfill you?

👉 Like you're working more but GETTING NOWHERE financially?

👉 OVERWHELMED by the idea of investing, unsure where to start?

👉 You'll NEVER HAVE ENOUGH saved for your dreams?

👉 You're MISSING OUT on extra income opportunities?

👉 Investing in real estate is OUT OF REACH for you?

👉 Stuck in the SAME FINANCIAL CYCLE year after year?

👉 PARALYZED BY FEAR of making a bad investment?

👉 Like you're WAITING for the 'right time' to take action?

👉 There's NEVER ENOUGH TIME to plan for your financial future?

You're Not Alone. 

IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE STUCK ON THE SIDELINES,  overwhelmed by the idea of investing in short-term rentals — IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. It’s no secret most people are confused about where to start with real estate investing, especially when it feels like the deck is stacked against them.


If you want time and financial freedom, repeating the same costly mistakes of others isn’t the answer. Conventional investment strategies won’t lead you to early retirement, financial independence, or time freedom — not without draining your resources.

But here’s the truth...


With short-term rentals, the SOLUTION ISN'T letting real estate investors tell you where to invest OR throwing more money at fancy designers OR high-cost property managers.


IT'S ABOUT EMBRACING a smarter cost-conscious approach that focuses on maximizing profit through strategic decisions and DIY know-how.


Living the FREEDOM-FILLED LIFE you want means thinking, planning, and investing differently.

I know this because I’ve built my rental portfolio using these exact principles:

👉 INVESTING COST-CONSCIOUSLY while maximizing income.

👉 GROWING A PROFITABLE SHORT-TERM RENTAL BUSINESS without wasting money on unnecessary expenses.

👉 ENJOYING FINANCIAL STABILITY AND EXTRA INCOME without sacrificing my time and energy.

Let me be clear.

I’m NOT a real estate mogul with endless resources. I’ve got bills to pay, a family to support, and competing demands, just like you. That’s why I had to create a system that allows me to invest smartly without overspending.

I’ve documented my entire process, learned from years of experience. The result is a scalable, flexible system that shows you how to invest in short-term rentals smartly and profitably — while rejecting the “Analysis Paralysis Trap” that holds so many people back.


Because smart investing is the key difference between a life of freedom, wealth, and joy ... and one that's full of stress, missed opportunities, and financial frustration.


Yes, YOU CAN build a profitable short-term rental portfolio and enjoy the freedom you crave - without feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, or stretched too thin.



The Wanderful Way 



Yep, I'm Ready!


By the end of this journey, you'll be able to ...  


Follow a Proven Investment Strategy

Confidently assess any property using our step-by-step system based on the BRRRR method to maximize returns and align with your financial goals.

Analyze Any Market with Ease

Leverage our market analysis tool to pinpoint the best locations for your short-term rental, no matter where you're investing.

Determine Your Best Financial Options

Understand exactly how to fund your investments by evaluating loan types, tax strategies, and financing options tailored to your unique financial situation.

Make Confident Offers on Properties

Say goodbye to hesitation and uncertainty. You'll know how to confidently offer on properties, ensuring they fit into your long-term investment strategy.

The Wanderful Way Process!



1. SUBSCRIBE to Emails 

Get off the social media train and into your email inbox

This 1x weekly newsletter will deliver short-term rental tips, tricks, and strategies to your inbox. If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe at any time!

Yes! I want to SUBSCRIBE!


2. CHOOSE THE PATH That's Right for You  

Get clear on exactly what learning path will move the STR needle in your life

No matter the path, The Wanderful Way will give you the mindset and methods you need to set yourself up for early retirement, extra income, or freedom from that second job - all while investing cost-consciously and wisely.


Self-Paced Online Course

Gain access to comprehensive training on short-term rental investing, including market analysis tools, financial strategies, and property evaluation techniques. Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

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Collaborative Workshop

Join a dynamic group of investors in hands-on workshops where you'll learn how to analyze markets, assess financial options, and master the BRRRR method + a complimentary 1:1 coaching session for tailored guidance.

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Online Course+Consulting

Dive into the online course for foundational knowledge + 4 - 1:1 consulting sessions to apply what you’ve learned. Ideal for those seeking both structured learning and expert support to take action confidently.

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3. Ensure Your Success with Guests

The non-negotiable rules for stocking, staging, and managing a STR property

Congratulations on closing on your property - now it's time to take the next step! Learn how to expertly stock, stage, and manage your short-term rental to attract guests and maximize profits. We'll guide you through transforming your investment into a guest-ready, high-performing property with practical, cost-effective strategies.

Self-Paced Online Course

Access comprehensive training on short-term rental stocking, staging, and DIY management strategies. Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

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Collaborative Workshop

Join other hosts in hands-on workshops where you'll learn how to stock, stage, and manage your property + enjoy a complimentary 1:1 coaching session.

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Online Course+Consulting

Dive into the online course for foundational knowledge + 4 - 1:1 consulting sessions. Ideal for those seeking structured learning + expert support.

Learn More

This could be you ... 


đź‘Ś "Gained a wealth of knowledge and access to resources."

đź‘Ś "We are so confident in our decision to invest in the market we were researching."

đź‘Ś "We can see facts about the market that we had not been able to see clearly before."

đź‘Ś "Achieved an analytical approach vs. just a cheer leader."

đź‘Ś "Finally felt like we could succeed as investors."

đź‘Ś "No more guessing. Went from investing in real estate conceptually to practically."

đź‘Ś "Sticking to a schedule that keeps us moving forward vs. putting it off."

đź‘Ś "I've had more bookings than ever because I am SO clear on what to provide guests."

đź‘Ś "All 5-star ratings since implementing these strategies!"

đź‘Ś "Booked out summer has us excited for the future!"









Were You Born to Be an Airbnb Owner?




In 2015, we started hosting our first Airbnb to earn additional income and live a life of adventure. Over the last ten years, we have learned which strategies maximize profit, and we can’t wait to teach you the do-it-yourself strategies we have employed across six properties in three states.

Everyone can be a guest-first-minded host. Some of us just need a little more help finding the ability to invest in and prepare a property to wow guests. Once you discover the strategies behind analyzing markets, selecting properties, and stocking, staging, and managing a property, you can unapologetically provide guests with the 5-star stay of their dreams.

We believe investing in vacation rental real estate has the power to impact your life in big ways, but it certainly comes with feelings of overwhelm when you don't have a strategy or systems in place. Through online education, we can help you enjoy a smooth ride to investing and hosting success.

Whether you're investing for the first time, recently purchased a rental in a blank state, or need to revamp a poorly performing rental, we look forward to taking this exhilarating journey together.